Catching up from the weekend…

We had a great extended holiday weekend this year, spending time with lots of friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. On the homefront, Steve and I rearranged our room to make a bit more room for the baby and also finally put together our free cylindrical composting “bin” that we got from the city which completes my Blog Action Day environmental action items. We had a fun time on Friday night chopping up all of the decorative pumpkins and gourds outside, me with a chef’s knife and Steve with a big cleaver, to mix in with the dead leaves in the compost bin. Squash guts and pieces were flying all over the place. We also picked out a Christmas tree with our housemates and decorated this weekend, including using some of the tree trimmings to decorate the mantle. This weekend felt like a refreshing mini-at-home vacation; delicious foods, satisfying interactions with everyone, lots of time to spend with each other, and zero time doing web work.

And now it’s back to work! I’ve designated today as a “catch-up” day, knowing that I’m not going to get much forward progress on projects done in the midst of catching up with email, processing my inbox, figuring out where the $65 difference came from in my finance accountings, reviewing spam comments, and cleaning up. But the rest of the week will be back to normal, so you can expect more posts on The 4 Hour Workweek, the books I’m reading, and maybe some pictures from my latest mass download from the camera.

Happy Monday!

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